Research project: Where the Arts Belong 2019-2021

Click above for 2019 eFlier

In January 2019, five artists (myself, Alan Dunn, Roger Hill, Philip Jeck and Mary Prestidge) started residencies at Belong, villages that are home to around 100 edlerly people, particularly those on the dementia journey, as part of the three-year Bluecoat 'Where the Arts Belong' project funded by Arts Council England's 'Celebrating Age' and the Baring Foundation.

The project is exploring the impact of integrating contemporary art within bespoke and forward-thinking environments for the support of those on the dementia journey. This is being done through a series of residencies (sculpture, sound, movement and storytelling) and exhibitions. I've begun developing a series of ceramics in collaboration with Pegeen, David 1, David 2, Heather, Peter, John and Ray, partly inspired by Punch & Judy puppets and the communal and observational style of Palissy ware.

Research phase 1 - Crewe (Jan-June 2019)


The next stages of this project include further research periods at new Belong Villages in Birkdale and Chester up until 2021.

Link to Guardian article on project, 26 June 2019.
